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I've created 6 new Ableton Live skins that you deeutsch download for free. In case, you don't know how to install them, here are the instructions for both Windows and Mac. It's a good idea to have Live closed while adding the skins. It's not tragic, if it's open, but ableto skins will only show once you restart Live anyway.

If you want to create your own skins, you can use the Skin Editor. It's available for free for both Windows and Mac.

The created skins work with all versions of Tutodial up to 9. There are plenty more Ableton Live tutorials where this one came from. Thanks for sharing these Madeleine! Yes thank you for posting this path! Its the same on Windows 7.

Sonic Bloom should show this in the instructions! Any thoughts? I ableton live 9 suite tutorial deutsch free you tried it with the Skin Editor from Sonic Transfer? If you don't know how to install new 10 pro remote not available free, here's a quick tutorial.

HI there… I downloaded a skin from the website. Ask so i deutschh copied it and put it in the correct folder. Please help. You need to quit Live and restart it for that.

Not with auto-updates. Save my name, email, and website in frde browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Previous Next. Windows The zip-file with the skins should be in the designated downloads folder of your internet browser. If you're unsure where that is, check the preferences of your chosen browser for the location. First you need ablegon unzip the folder. For this, right-click the folder in the Windows Explorer, click 'Extract All', and then follow the instructions.

Ableton live 9 suite tutorial deutsch free Live 10, skins tutoriao now called themes. Live 9 Suite. Unzip the folder by double-clicking it. Any questions or comments left? Share this article with others! About the Author: Madeleine Bloom. Madeleine Bloom is an Ableton Certified Trainer, musician, producer, multi-instrumentalist and singer from Berlin. For a few years she worked as a technical support for Ableton gaining in-depth knowledge of Ableton Live that even most CTs don't ever get.

In she started Sonic Bloom and has since fre countless people on all continents with their music productions and live performances. Related Posts. December 1st, 0 Comments. November 9th, 1 Comment. October 7th, 0 Comments. James May 14 at - Reply. Dan May 14 at - Reply. Nice work! I could use some change from time to time :.

Madeleine May 23 at - Reply. Mark December 31 at - Reply. Madeleine Bloom January 1 at Martin March 27 at - Reply. Stew April 21 at - Reply. Madeleine April 21 at - Reply.

Terreurs Free pc windows 10 25 at - Reply. Very helpful. Thanks for all of the skins as well, my eyes are grateful. Madeleine April 29 at - Reply. Montana April 17 at - Reply. Madeleine Bloom April 18 at tuorial Reply. Madeleine Bloom September 24 at - Reply.

January 4 at - Reply. Brendan April 16 at ableton live 9 suite tutorial deutsch free Reply. I have ableton live lite, and there is no ableton live 9 suite tutorial deutsch free folder in resources. Madeleine Bloom April 17 at - Reply. Madeleine Bloom May 27 at - Reply. Please let others know about all the resources on this site.

Ben June 28 at - Reply. Madeleine Bloom June 29 at - Reply. Leave A Ссылка на подробности Cancel reply Comment. This website uses one cookie and third party services. Using this website means you agree with this. See the Privacy Policy for more information. Cookies and embeds tutofial.

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Ableton Live Mastering Tutorial In 9 Simple Steps (Step #8 is my favorite!) | .Ableton Live | Ableton


What are the best ways of mastering audio in Ableton Live? If you do use third party plugins, there is a wide range of options available. Also, at the bottom of this post you can enter your details to grab the multiband mastering strip — an audio effect rack that I built for you to use when you master your own tracks. I recommend Fab Filter plugins, Izotope plugins, Waves plugins and Melda plugins as some of the options to look into.

I recommend you to loop a busy part of your song to do the mastering work — such as the chorus or the drop, where there is the most energy in the arrangement. When you are mastering your own music , you can bounce out the groups of tracks as. Here are the groups of tracks that you might want to group together when you export these. Some people argue that converting from 48k when exporting wav files from your original project to use in your mastering project down to Therefore you may want to stick with If in doubt, test two different versions and judge the audio quality for yourself.

Because dithering adds shaped noise at a barely audible level which stops the very quiet regions of your track from sounding distorted when at 16 bit or lower bit depth. Dither should only be applied to the very last step in the process to the final. WAV file. Because getting the level of the sub right in comparison with your mid basses, your kick and other elements in your track is one of the hardest things to get right, so keep the sub and mid basses separate so that you can adjust their relative levels at this stage if you need to.

Another great advantage of these stems is that you can chop the audio clips up, reverse parts of them and add all kinds of crazy glitches to your stems to create effects that would otherwise be very difficult to create. When you export these stems, you should have already done the mixdown process in your previous project.

When you drag and drop all of these stems into separate audio tracks in a new Ableton project from your desktop, you can leave them at 0 dB to start with, because this level will mean that your master channel in this new Ableton project will still be peaking at the same level as it did in your original.

This gives you much more control over your mastering process and helps you to get a much more dynamic sounding finished piece of music. Drag and drop this onto your master channel. That chain is one instance of the multiband dynamics plugin. It should look like this:. Ideally, you would want to have all frequencies from 0 Hz up to about Hz or even Hz to be in mono. The cross over frequency that separates sounds played out from the subs from sounds played out by stereo speakers may be around Hz.

So any sounds in your track below that frequency can be played in stereo. You can drop a Utility onto the end of the high band multiband dynamics plugin and increase the width. To get a sense of what this is doing to your upper frequencies, you can turn off the mid and low bands temporarily while you listen to the high band as you change the width in the Utility plugin.

You song may not need this at all. It also depends on your tastes. One reason why we do mastering to our tracks is to make them sound louder and more energetic , so that they will stand up to other tracks in the same or similar genre, when our tracks get played by DJs for example.

When we heavily compress or limit a sound, we reduce its dynamic range. Here is an example of a track by Knife Party that has had heavy limiting applied to it in the mastering stage. See how flat the sound wave looks. If you listen to it, you can tell that it sounds loud, but the dynamic range sounds relatively small compared with other songs. The choice is yours… Personally I try to make my tracks sound as loud as other tracks in that genre, while also trying not to go too crazy with the limiting and compression.

The low band will have the heaviest compression to thicken it up the most, and its dynamic range will be reduced more than the mid and high bands. Because the low band frequencies are the ones that provide the most energy to the track, and our ears like to hear a consistent volume level. We find it easier to dance to and to let our minds go with the flow of the song when the dynamic range of the low band is nice and tight. Here are some suggested settings to use:. Alternatively, you can leave the make up activated.

For all three compressors, you will probably want to use Peak mode, so that the compressor reacts to the peaks in level, as opposed to RMS mode, where it reacts more slowly and is less sensitive to peaks. It really depends on your genre, your tastes and the quality of your mixdown. For the mid band, we will apply some gentle compression, but it will be weaker than the compression we applied to the low band. For the high band, you may want to apply ever gentler compression, or consider having no compression at all on the high band.

It is up to you. Mastering requires lots and lots of practice and training your ear. This is where we further reduce the sudden peaks that occur in the track. By default, the ceiling of the limiter in Ableton Live is set to We want to reduce the ceiling until we see a small amount of gain reduction happening. Here is my suggested amount of gain reduction for each band:.

The next step is to drag and drop an EQ Eight onto your master channel, after the audio effect rack. You can use this to take out any unpleasant frequencies if they are there, but it is much better if you have done this in the mixdown stage in the previous project before you exported your stems. Here are some suggested settings for this EQ unit to get a better polished final version of your track:.

Ideally, at around 30 Hz you would want a brick wall limiter to completely take out any frequencies below 30 Hz. To make your track subtly sound a lot brighter, without going crazy on the overall brightness, create a pole at This works wonders for me and I do it in nearly every track I master.

Drop a limiter after the EQ Eight unit. We will keep the ceiling at its default We want no more than 6 dB of gain reduction in this limiter. Listen at very quiet levels and medium levels. You need to make sure it all sounds good at the quieter levels. These sample rate and bit depth settings are what CDs use and what MP3s will use anyway, so there is no point in exporting at this stage in a higher bit depth or sample rate.

Thank you for reading this far, and if you found this useful or if you have any other tips, please leave a comment below and tell me what you thought! Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. Step 1 — Bounce out your groups of tracks as stems When you are mastering your own music , you can bounce out the groups of tracks as.

Why no dither? Why keep your sub separate from your mid bass stem? To do this, click on map mode so that all the parameters in the audio effect rack become green. It should look something like this: Next, you can set macro 1 to about Hz and macro 2 to about 3 kHz. So how do we make the low frequency band mono? Job done. Conversely, you may want to add a little extra width to the high band. Step 5 — Using Compressors To Control The Dynamic Range Of The Different Frequency Bands One reason why we do mastering to our tracks is to make them sound louder and more energetic , so that they will stand up to other tracks in the same or similar genre, when our tracks get played by DJs for example.

So what is dynamic range? So, back to the tutorial… Ableton Live Mastering Tutorial In step 5 of this tutorial, we will want to thicken up the sounds using some compression.

Here are some suggested settings to use: Ratio: between 1. For example, you might go with something like: Ratio: between 1. Step 6 — Multiband Limiting This is where we further reduce the sudden peaks that occur in the track. First, drag and drop a limiter onto the end of each band in your audio effect rack. Next, solo the low band. Here are some suggested settings for this EQ unit to get a better polished final version of your track: Low Cut at 30 Hz Ideally, at around 30 Hz you would want a brick wall limiter to completely take out any frequencies below 30 Hz.

Boost at around 70 — Hz Do this only if you think your track needs some extra low end energy in the kick and sub. High shelf at around 12 kHz You may want to add a very small amount of boost to your high frequencies 1 or 2 dB The magic secret ingredient — Now for the fun part!

Here is the video on how to do this in Ableton Live: Thank you for reading this far, and if you found this useful or if you have any other tips, please leave a comment below and tell me what you thought! Enjoyed this article?

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